Let's ban the DNC for hate speech.
Now, Alex Jones is a "conspiracist". For most people, a nut job. Quite, quite mad.He thinks he is a "thinker" and the rest of his are "sheeple". We disagree. Of course, he is not a "thinker" and we are (mostly) mindless minions.
Jones is accused of "hate speech" for his views on Islam, transgender people and others, which in America is good business. Unfortunately for him he doesn't have the right affiliations.
Putting aside the issues of presentation, audiences, and backers, how different are Jones' views on Islam from those of Sam Harris or Bill Maher -- or many others? In the same way, how different are his views on transgender people from the Christian Right? How different are John Bolton and Rachel Maddow?
It is hard to draw the line - about what is "hate speech" if we want to protect diversity of opinion. It seems too often that "hate' is OK depending on who does the hating -- and media trends.
Let's face it. Americans love to hate. They also simply adore conspiracy theories. ?The two things go together because fear of things go bump in the night or hide or the bed -- fear of the dark, if you like, generates hate.
If Alex Jones is a conspiracist and a hater - what can we say of the US Congress-- the Democrats in particular? What is Russiagate but a massive conspiracy theory -- with no basis in fact? And a lot of basis in hate for Russians in general and Putin in particular.
The DNC is much more dangerous than Jones could ever be -- because they have real power -- and are pushing America towards war with people already dead or dying because of their jingoistic atavism. Jones, at least, hasn't killed anyone. Congress, however, has the blood of children on its hands. Most conspiracists are pretty harmless but Congress is prone to murder.
So who deserves to be banned on Facebook?
Now, Alex Jones is a "conspiracist". For most people, a nut job. Quite, quite mad.He thinks he is a "thinker" and the rest of his are "sheeple". We disagree. Of course, he is not a "thinker" and we are (mostly) mindless minions.
Jones is accused of "hate speech" for his views on Islam, transgender people and others, which in America is good business. Unfortunately for him he doesn't have the right affiliations.
Putting aside the issues of presentation, audiences, and backers, how different are Jones' views on Islam from those of Sam Harris or Bill Maher -- or many others? In the same way, how different are his views on transgender people from the Christian Right? How different are John Bolton and Rachel Maddow?
It is hard to draw the line - about what is "hate speech" if we want to protect diversity of opinion. It seems too often that "hate' is OK depending on who does the hating -- and media trends.
Let's face it. Americans love to hate. They also simply adore conspiracy theories. ?The two things go together because fear of things go bump in the night or hide or the bed -- fear of the dark, if you like, generates hate.
If Alex Jones is a conspiracist and a hater - what can we say of the US Congress-- the Democrats in particular? What is Russiagate but a massive conspiracy theory -- with no basis in fact? And a lot of basis in hate for Russians in general and Putin in particular.
The DNC is much more dangerous than Jones could ever be -- because they have real power -- and are pushing America towards war with people already dead or dying because of their jingoistic atavism. Jones, at least, hasn't killed anyone. Congress, however, has the blood of children on its hands. Most conspiracists are pretty harmless but Congress is prone to murder.
So who deserves to be banned on Facebook?